Wednesday, November 27, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Denise Bellamy
Wednesday, November 27, 2 – 4 p.m. Roles and Responsibilities in Municipal Government
(John Fleming, Anna Kinastowski and Greg Levine)
Thursday, November 28, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Conflict of Interest in the Municipal Context and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
(Valerie Jepson, Rick O’Connor and David Wake)
Friday, November 29, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Municipal Boards and Corporations: Roles, Responsibilities and Accountability
(Mary Ellen Bench and Wendy Walberg)
Friday, November 29, 2 – 4 p.m. Procurement and Best Practices (Marian MacDonald and Mike Pacholok)
Monday, December 2,
12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Lobbying (Suzanne Craig, Linda Gehrke and Robert Marleau)
3 p.m. Collingwood Chief Administrative Officer Fareed Amin
The Inquiry’s hearings on participation and funding were held in Collingwood on Tuesday, August 14, 2018.
The Inquiry Judge’s ruling on the applications have been posted as well as a transcript of the proceedings.
The Inquiry also held a well-attended community meeting in the Collingwood Library on August 13, 2018.
The Inquiry's public hearings started on April 15, 2019